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    Institute of Life Energy and Health
    Address:309 Honeysuckle Lane, St. Louis, MO 63119, USA


    研究 Research
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    One of our major missions is to conduct scientific research on natural life health, especially the clinical research on health effects of some special exercises (Tai Chi, Qigong, etc.), dietary (includes medicinal diet, food supplements), emotion (through some special methods such as meditation, light music) and so on.
    Here we selected some research literatures in the related areas. All of them were carried out by medical institutes and published in the peer-reviewed international journals. It is worth noticing that, many reviews cautioned that some conclusions cannot be drawn due to methodological limitations in the original studies and/or an insufficient number of existing research studies; further randomized controlled trials with large sample sizes and long training period are needed to compare the control groups with experimental groups in order to confirm the efficacy. We show respect and understanding for this rigorous scientific pursuit and methods, and consent that there is still a long way to go for verifying the health effects of these natural methods. Therefore, the systematic planning, the rigorous design and the effective methods are necessary for the convincible results, which are our current and future efforts.


    Copyright © Institute of Life Energy and Health
