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    知识 Knowledge
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    • 作者:
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    • 日期: 2018-09-28
    • 浏览次数: 25569
    太极拳论 The Treatise of Tai Chi Quan 太极者,无极而生,阴阳之母也。动之则分,静之则合。无过不及,随屈就伸。人刚我柔谓之“走”,我顺人背谓之“黏”。动急则急应,动缓则缓随。虽变化万端,而理唯一贯。由着熟而渐悟懂劲,由懂劲而阶及神明。 然非用力之久,不能豁然贯通焉。
    Tai Chi comes from Wuji (Note: means “none”, “naught”), and is the mother of Yin and Yang. Once it starts to move, it separates (into Yin and Yang); when it ends into stillness, it reunites (to Tai Chi, even Wuji). (When in martial fight,) don’t act excessively or deficiently; (one should be able to) adapt to bending and cope with extending (in accord with the opponent’s movements). When the opponent is doughty and rigid, I cope with it using soft strength, which is called yielding. Then, once in an initiative, I keep it and make the opponent plunge into passivity, which is called sticking. If the opponent's movement is quick, then quickly response; if his movement is slow, then follow slowly. Although there are innumerable variations, the principles that pervade them remain the same. The first step is to get familiar with (the moves and applications), then gradually awaken the awareness of intrinsic strength (劲Jìn); from the comprehension of intrinsic strength one can approach the intuitive understanding of this art. However, without a long period of arduous and persistent practice, one will not be able to have such a sudden and thorough enlightenment.
    虚领顶劲,气沉丹田,不偏不倚,忽隐忽现。左重则左虚,右重则右杳。仰之则弥高,俯之则弥深。进之则愈长,退之则愈促。一 羽不能加,蝇虫不能落。人不知我,我独知人。英雄所向无敌,盖皆由此而及也。
    Keep the head suspended from above, lift the spirit up to crown (i.e.,”Baihui”); sink Qi down to the Dantian (i.e., reservoir of Qi, vital energy of life). (Keep entire body upright) without tilting, without leaning; (in this case, one can adjust Yin and Yang swiftly,) can suddenly disappear (to avoid attack), and suddenly appear (to attack). When (the opponent) attacks left side, I shift off from left side, When (the opponent) attacks right side, I elude from right side. (On the other hand,) when the incoming force is upward, I follow and induce it to higher (to make opponent throw up away); when the incoming force is downward, I still follow and induce it to deeper (to make opponent flop down). When the opponent advances towards me, I will follow and induce it further (to make him out of balance); once he retreats, I will react faster than him (to defeat him). (After persistent practice, I can feel very sensitive and alert with the strength), I can feel even a feather is added (on my body), even a fly lands (on my body), so I will react promptly and never let them happen on me. The opponent could not know me and perceive my tackle, only I can always predict his. A real hero is inconvincible, it is definitely because he knows well all about these principles and has achieved them.
    There are many other styles of martial arts. Although their forms differ from one another, more or less they rely on the same principles such as the strong defeats the weak, the fast overtakes the slow. In fact, those who are stronger and faster prevail just have demonstrated the natural born physical ability, they are not much related to the hard study and diligent practice. Studying the saying “Four ounces deflect one thousand pounds”(in our Tai Chi), it is clearly that this cannot be achieved by innate physical strength; Watching an elder person defeating a group of opponents, how can he act faster than the younger opponents?
    Stand firm and steady like a balanced scale, move like a turning wheel. (If one) has one side too heavy (Note: 80:20; 90:10; even 100:0), (one) couldn’t maintain a good balance (so could be easily pushed away); (but if one always) distribute weight on both sides/feet evenly, (one’s) movements will be astricted/restrained. One who has spent years of practice but still cannot grasp and skillfully apply (weight-shifting), so he is just self-restraint and will be definitely controlled by his opponent because he has not realize and apprehended the issue of double-weightiness.
    In order to avoid this problem, one must understand the principles of Yin-Yang. (For instance,) to adhere is to yield; to yield is to adhere. Yin cannot be separated from Yang, and Yang cannot be separated from Yin. Yin and Yang are mutually complemented and dependent on each other, (only from this way can one) understand and manipulate the intrinsic strength (“劲”Jìn). Only after (one) understand and manipulate the intrinsic strength, the more he practices, the better his skill will be. Watching and understanding, practicing and experiencing, gradually one is able reach a level where he can act at will.
    Actually, the basic principle (of Tai Chi martial arts) is to yield oneself (from opponent’s attack) and follow the opponent’s movement (to overtake it), but unfortunately most practitioners (cannot understand this and) regard that it goes far-away instead of an immediate fight back. The misunderstanding is just as so-called “the slightest aviation error can cause a thousand mile divergence”. The learner, therefore, must discriminate precisely. This is the Treatise.

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