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    Jing-Luo ( Meridian) 经络

    The meridians (jing) and collaterals (luo) are the pathways in which  qi (vital energy or vital force, pronounced ‘chee’) and blood circulate. 

    They form a specific network which communicates with the internal  organs and limbs and connects the upper to the lower and the exterior  portions of the body.

    The meridians are the major channels of the system  and they run lengthwise within the interior of the body.

    The collaterals are the branches of the meridians and they run crosswise  from the meridians either on or just below the body’s surface.

    Since  they are distributed over the entire body, the meridians and collaterals  link together the zang-fu (organ) and the orifices of the body, the  skin, muscles and bones.

    They bring the body into an organic whole to  carry on systematic activities.

    The Chinese Medicine classic book NeiJing indicates ‘The twelve  meridians control human life, yet they are the place where disease can live.

    If disease starts in the meridians, the physician can use the  meridians to treat the root cause of disease’.

    Jing-luo functions can be summarised as follow:

    Transporting Qi and Blood

    Protecting the Body

    Responding to dysfunction in the body

    Transmit Qi to a diseased area

    Channels may become diseased

    Disease of the Zangfu (internal organs) may manifest in channels

    Disease may be transmitted via the channels

    Visibly show diseases.

    Copyright © Institute of Life Energy and Health
