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    药食同源 Medicinal diet
            Medicinal diet is an important part of traditional Chinese medicine. It is a unique clinical and practical discipline gradually formed by the Chinese nation after thousands of years of continuous exploration and accumulation. It is a precious cultural heritage left by the ancestors of the Chinese nation.

            For thousands of years, traditional Chinese medicine has attached great importance to the dialectical relationship between dietary conditioning and health and longevity. It includes diet therapy, which uses dietary conditioning to maintain health, prevent disease and cure diseases, and medicated diet, which uses a combination of food and medicine to make a diet to achieve health preservation. The role of prevention and treatment of diseases, the medicated diet mentioned in this article includes dietary content. Traditional Chinese medicine has accumulated valuable experience in medicinal and diet therapy and health care in long-term medical practice, and formed a unique theoretical system. Therefore, medicated diet is an important part of Chinese medicine. Actively promoting traditional Chinese medicine diet therapy and health care has not only made an important contribution to the health and longevity of the Chinese people, but also has far-reaching significance for promoting the development of health care medicine in the world.

           The development of modern medicated diet is based on summing up the experience of the ancients, and it has been further improved. Its application is more in line with the development of Chinese medicine theory.

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